“But you shall receive power…”

Acts 1:8

We often feel powerless.  Yet Pentecost reminds us of the gift of the Holy Spirit, empowering us for holy living and proclaiming life in Jesus’ name!  

Our first music selection today is tremendous!  It came too late for me to comment on it in our welcome video, but it is well worth including.  Please check it out and let it lift your spirits!

Thank you for joining us as we worship our Lord through this online gathering.  May our gracious God continue to hold and enfold you in hope, joy and peace!

Welcome & Prayer for Worship

“O Day Full of Grace,” is provided by the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians–960 vocalists and 364 instrumentalists submitted recordings for this astonishing celebration of music!


“Life Changing Power!” by Pastor Bruce Kolasch

HYMN – Pastor Bruce Kolasch (guitar & voice)

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord”

Prayers + Lord’s Prayer + Benediction

Pastor Bruce Kolasch

HYMN – Pastor Bruce Kolasch (guitar & voice)

“Sweet, Sweet Spirit”