Elim Extra for Sunday February 18, 2024

Pastor’s Reflection

Happy Valentines Day! Our Ash Wednesday service at 5:30 is designed to be short so you can still make it to a Valentines dinner afterwards, if those are your plans. So don’t rend your clothes quite yet! In fact, we know that God loves a good outfit. Last week on Transfiguration, we heard that God gave Jesus a fashion makeover on the mountain with some stunning white robes. In Genesis tonight, we will hear that God even sewed the very first clothes for humans!
But no one ever said that God was a romantic. “From dust you are and to dust you shall return” was God’s message to the original couple, Adam and Eve. Any couple knows that love requires realism and repentance in addition to hearts and flowers. This Lent, we will be focusing on the image of cloth to guide us in our journey of reweaving. So much needs mending in our spirits and world these days. In our midweek sung evening prayer during Lent, we will practice turning all things over to the Great Weaver for mending. Please join us on Wednesdays at 5:30!
Make a holy Lent,

Pr. Chelsea

Church becoming meetings the next two Sundays: Making a timeline of Elim!

March 13 at 7 PM – Installation of Pr. Lisa Mensinger at Good Shepherd Episcopal in Ogden!

April 25-27 – Synod Assembly and bishop election in Loveland, CO. Lucille and Craig will be representing Elim, but all are welcome to attend!

Registration link: https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/8333189