Rev. Chelsea Page
In the wake of Pastor Bruce Kolasch’s retirement at the end of May, 2023, the congregation of Elim Lutheran Church welcomed Pastor Chelsea Page to that leadership role on Sunday, June 11. She came directly from an associate pastor position with Holladay United Church of Christ.
In the past, Chelsea served Parkview Presbyterian Church in Sacramento, CA, as pastoral resident, leading their Sunday School program. Chelsea has also been the Director of Catherine’s Retreat House and Co-director of The Manger homeless community in Albuquerque, NM. She has received training in Our Whole Lives curriculum, training in promoting healthy sexuality in congregational settings, boundary training, disability and theology, Clinical Pastoral Education in three hospital settings, and Racial Justice training.
A native of San Jose, CA, Chelsea Page received her Certificate of Advanced Professional Studies in Ministry (Masters of Divinity Equivalent) at Pacific School of Religion in CA, as well as a Masters degree in Theological Studies from Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA. She was ordained in the United Church of Christ on October 19, 2019.
Chelsea and her spouse, Pegasus Collonge, have welcomed two children into the world since moving to Utah, Lyra who is two and Kinley who is on the way to celebrate with the rest of the family in July.
In her own words, “[o]riginally from a Roman Catholic background and drawn to Protestant Christianity for its inclusivity and focus on grace, Chelsea is thrilled to step into spiritual leadership on the cusp of her 40th birthday with the wonderful people of Elim, and looks forward to meeting many of you!” – in the congregation and the larger Ogden community.
Pastor Chelsea will be officially installed into her position in September, 2023. You are welcome to follow Elim’s news on our facebook page ( where we routinely live-stream our Sunday services.

Pastor Chelsea and Lyra

Pastor Chelsea “in uniform”

Pastor Chelsea, with Pegasus and Lyra.