“Come and See”
We are glad you are joining us as we learn new ways to worship during this pandemic.
Please click on the Bulletin to follow along with our worship today.
Each week we have members from our community read the scripture. This week we have Craig “Coach” & Vicar Lisa. Thank you for your voices.
Be sure to check out the Sharing of the Peace video produced by Gloria.
We pray that you find peace and hope in the songs and words shared here until we meet again at Elim.
Opening Prayer
Opening Hymns –
Pastor Bruce Kolasch (guitar & voice)
“Lord Reign in Me” & “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
Psalm 66: 8-20 (Craig “Coach” Bjorklund) & John 14:15-21 (Vicar Lisa Mensinger)
“Homily on Psalm 66 & John 14” by Pastor Bruce Kolasch
Hymn of the Day
“Sanctuary” by Pastor Bruce Kolasch (voice & guitar)
Sharing of the Peace 2 – Gloria Wurst Productions