“Blessed those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.”
Matthew 5:4
Did you remember to change your clocks back one hour?
We are glad you are joining us today.
Each week we have members from our community read the scripture. This week we have Lee. Thank you for your voice.
Be sure to check out the All Saints video produced by Gloria.
We pray that you find peace and hope in the songs and words shared here until we meet again at Elim.
Opening Prayer
Opening Hymns –
Pastor Bruce Kolasch (guitar & voice)
“Give Me Jesus”
Revelation 7:9-17
Read by Lee Sather
Ceremony of Lights and Prayer
Gospel Reading and Sermon
“Communal Tiredness” by Lisa Mensinger
Sending Song:
“We are Marching in the Light of God” – Pastor Bruce singing and playing the guitar.
All Saints Elim Tribute
Thank you Gloria for putting this video together of past All Saints Sunday worships at Elim.