“Look! Here is the bridegroom!
Come out to meet him.”

Matthew 25:6

We are glad you are joining us today.

Each week we have members from our community read the scripture.  This week we have Bonnie.

Also we have special music provided by a talented young lady from Canada.

We pray that you find peace and hope in the songs and words shared here until we meet again at Elim.

Call to Worship

Thank you to Rachel Kibler for providing this week’s call to worship.

Hymn – Let Us Go Now to the Banquet – ELW 523


Psalm 70 by Bonnie Rembacz

Reading of the Gospel & Homily

Matthew 25:1-13
“Oil in my lamp” by Lisa Mensinger

Special Music

This arrangement of “Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us” is special music by a young lady in Canada who is a friend of Dave Thomas.