Elim Extra for Sunday, January 14 2024
In the season after Epiphany, when the northern hemisphere is experiencing a gradual lightening of the darkest time of the year (despite all these snow storms!), the Church praises Christ as the Light. Last Sunday we celebrate the manifestation of Jesus’s divinity to the magi by the light of a star. But did you know that January 6th was the original Christmas, until it was moved earlier to be closer to the winter solstice?
Originally, Epiphany meant the baptism of the adult Jesus, which is what we are going to celebrate this coming Sunday (and in many Eastern and Middle Eastern churches, Epiphany still means that today). So we get to celebrate two Epiphanies: two manifestations of Jesus’s divinity. In fact, our whole time after Epiphany will continue the theme of manifestation, with each Sunday’s gospel sharing another aspect of Jesus’s identity, power, and purpose.
So the question becomes, what does the sacrament of baptism manifest about our divinity – our identity, power, and purpose as followers of Jesus? Perhaps we get to have an Epiphany too.
with love, Pr. Chelsea
New Bible study every Sunday @ 9:00 – with Pr. Chelsea. On Zoom Wed. 3:00pm.
January 14th – Church Council after Worship
January 15th – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 21st – Worship Team meeting
January 23rd – Mary’s Circle Ladies Group @ Noon. Meet at Sonora Grill 2310 Kiesel Ave, Ogden.
January 29th – Annual Congregation Meeting after Worship and Potluck – sign-up sheet in the Hallway.
Church needs: Help with the marquee sign. Come up with a phrase or idea to write on the board. Also help to change the messages. Get with Peggy in the office.