Church Becoming will be meeting on July 28th after worship. All are welcome to join us for a rich discussion on problem-solving and discipleship: reframing our spiritual gifts and challenges! Next Wednesday, July 31st will be our last Wednesday evening prayer in our downstairs prayer chapel.
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Bibliodrama Workshop on Wednesday August 7th, 5:30-7:30 pm at Elim. This new member class will be open to all who are considering joining Elim, as well as our council members and anyone else from the congregation who would like to come and support our new members and bring a potluck dish. Join others seeking spiritual growth and transformation! Dramatic ability is not required. You will not have to get out of your chair! Rob Pramann from the Christian Counseling Center at Elim is a psychodrama teacher and experienced Bibliodrama facilitator, and will be leading this one-hour workshop for us.
Bibliodrama is a form of unscripted role-playing in which Biblical stories are explored from the point of view of the characters in the text under the guidance of a trained “director.” It does not require the participants to be “dramatic” or even get out of their seats, but rather investigates what we think may be happening in the characters’ hearts and minds. It is a way to enrich our understanding and enhance our relationship to God and the characters of the Bible. As we put ourselves in their places during our interactive devotional time, we learn more about them and ourselves. Bibliodrama also provides a great community icebreaker, as we play and seek spiritual growth and transformation together.
with love, Pr. Chelsea