Elim Extra for Sunday June 30, 2024

Pastor’s Reflection


This Sunday we will be hearing St. Paul’s beautiful verse “we have treasure in jars of clay.” We do not use clay jars in our kitchens very often anymore, but when we do we call it a “crock.” Not as poetic an image, but illuminating, in that today’s crocks usually contain fermenting foods like sauerkraut or sourdough starter. In other words, our treasure lies in the process of life itself, not in its container.


I thought about this last Sunday, as eight hardy souls braved cobwebs and funky smells, a decaying boiler and cemented-over “secret room,” to tour Elim’s unused spaces after worship. Everywhere I looked I saw evidence of the vibrant life-process happening in the past. Every room had clearly been used for many functions over the years. Each “past place” had its OWN past, still detectable in outdated signs or individuals’ memories. 


Church is a process, as much as it is a place. So when My Hometown Ogden came last Saturday to spruce up our yard, they were showing some love to our container, yes, but mostly they were called by God to participate in our process. To be community with us, to share life with us. To join in our fermentation. This is our treasure – to enjoy life together as much as we can, for as long as we can, until our jar wears out. In the words of Dorothy Day, “Community happened as we sat there talking, and it is still going on.”


with love, Pr. Chelsea




Has anyone seen our assisting minister robes?


We are borrowing lawn chairs and camp chairs for Evening Prayer on the Lawn beginning July 3rd at 7:30 p.m. Let me know if you have any extras to spare and I will keep them in my office. This will be a kid- and pet-friendly outdoor service.


Help expand Elim’s online outreach! In order for us to reach a wider audience streaming our Sunday services, and perhaps other events (like Jazz Vespers, etc.), please subscribe to our new YouTube channel (while logged into your Gmail account). We only need 22 more Gmail users to click on the subscribe button to allow direct streaming. Here’s how you do it:

Click on the link or type in our NEW YouTube channel:


Click on the oval button with the word ”SUBSCRIBE” on it.

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