Elim Extra for Sunday May 12, 2024
Pastor’s Reflection
Thank you for welcoming Rev. Gordon Young to Elim’s pulpit this Sunday while I’m in California for my grandmother’s memorial. While I’m looking forward to celebrating Mother’s Day with four generations of Kinley women, my desire for a pampered “Mom Spa Day” has evaporated since immersing myself in relaxing metaphors this Easter season. To deepen like roots, unwind like a road, flow like a river, settle like sand, bloom like a palm tree, soften like clouds, loosen like fire…it all sounds nice, but what I really want is to get back out there!
I seem to have caught the Pentecost bug early, when Jesus called the disciples beyond a time of recovery and into action. There is so much ministry coming up at Elim to get excited about!
Still, there are “readiness factors” we must cultivate to be ready for new projects. When Jesus left on a cloud during the Ascension, he reminded the disciples to stay together, meeting together and reaching out for more teachers, guides and partners. As we attempt to put old things together in new ways, we will need both the wisdom of our past and new ideas from Spirit. May the wisdom of Hebrews 10 ground us for a new season of ministry after Pentecost.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for the One who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)
with love, Pr. Chelsea
–This Sunday is Mother’s Day.
–Bev and Paul have graciously accepted nominations to join the church council, yay!
–On May 19th, don’t forget to wear red for Pentecost, and come downstairs after worship to hear Pastor Angel share about his recent mission trip to the Middle East.
–Please invite a friend to Elim for Jazz Vespers on Wednesday May 22nd at 5:30 pm.
–Don’t forget to send me questions I can address from the pulpit as new sermon topics for this summer. Thank you!