Elim Extra for Sunday, October 22, 2023
Pastor’s Reflection
This Sunday we will be wrapping up our mission statement study with the word “community,” looking forward to Reformation Sunday on October 29th when we will be putting it all together. As a reformed people we are called by God on mission! Speaking of reformation, this Sunday after church the new worship team will be meeting. Elim has represented itself to me as a church that is flexible about trying new things in worship. If true this is a very rare and difficult quality to have, as worship is so sacred to all of us. I suspect that our worship team may channel an attitude of “holy mischief” as we find some little tweaks to try out in our worship service. We will be very open to your feedback!
As you know we will be calling a new bishop in our Synod next year. As part of that process, we will have conversations as a Conference centered on “Who Are We” as the RMS, and “The Bishop We Seek”, at our fall gathering at Mount Tabor in Salt Lake City (175 S 700 E Salt Lake City 84106) from 9:30am to noon on Saturday October 21.
with love, Pastor Chelsea