Worship Livestream

We routinely live-stream our Sunday services, as well as some other special events, on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/elimlutheran.church.3/) and on our Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@ElimLutheran/streams

Please join us there, if you cannot join us in person!

To receive the weekly Elim Extra email in your inbox, please contact our office administrator at office@elimlutheran.org to sign up. You can also sign up to receive our monthy newsletter the Scribe at your home address.

Elim Extra for September 6, 2023

Pastor’s Reflection: God’s Work Our Hands Sunday

Our window is fixed, praise be to God, and thanks to Peggy for arranging the repair!

Please join me in welcoming Pr. Debra Jimenez to Elim’s pulpit on Sunday, as our congregations “swap” and I preach at Ascension Lutheran Church. Thank you for signing up to assist in our joint service projects for God’s Work Our Hands Sunday and for donating items for the blessing bags! It is a special collaboration that bears witness to our unity as a Lutheran community.

The premise behind starting a day of service for the whole Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ten years ago was to demonstrate how we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor; to remind ourselves and show the world that every act of service in our daily life flows from confidence in God’s grace. Thus we are not serving out of a sense of obligation, of owing God or others acts of goodness in order to be accepted. Rather we give out of a sense of abundance, loving others as we have already been loved.

Feeling blessed to do God’s work with you,

Pr. Chelsea

Prayer needs:  Please pray for Matt, Sheri, and Mary. God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Community needs: Elim has a member in S. Ogden who would appreciate a ride to church on Sundays. Please contact Pr. Rick or Bonnie.

Upcoming Events:

Church Clean Up – Sept. 16th sign-up sheet in Hallway

Constitution Update Committee – Sept. 17, 2023 @ 9:00 am

Church council Meeting – Sept. 17, 2023 after worship

Mary’s Circle Ladies group  – Sept 26 @ noon, place T.B.A.

October 1 – Pet Blessings @ 1:00

(bring your furry family members to church to receive a blessing)

October 7, 2023 – Installation of Pastor Chelsea Page (to Elim Lutheran Church @ 11:30 on Saturday)

October 29 – Reformation Sunday (wear Red)

Elim Extra for September 1, 2023

Pastor’s Reflection

Slow Healing: Be Open

I’m excited to come back on Sunday! A huge thanks to the many individuals who have been serving and keeping ministry going at Elim during my absence. I am truly grateful to have been able to have this time at home with my family.

Since I have been in recovery mode following the birth of my daughter, I have been reflecting on healing and how long it takes. Truly it doesn’t happen overnight. But I believe our lives are always caught up in a gentle current of healing that comes from God. On Sunday we will learn a fun Aramaic word that means “be open.” How important is openness for our collective healing?

Worship during the next month at Elim will be based on my favorite healing stories in the gospels, reflecting wisdom from the “slow medicine” movement (based on Italy’s “slow food” movement) which advocates for a medical system that allows doctors to spend more time with patients, and people to take more time for their own healing. You have blessed me with this time during my maternity leave. Thank you.

I am also excited to welcome Ascension’s pastor Rev. Debra Jimenez into the pulpit on September 10th, as our churches swap pulpits for God’s Work Our Hands Sunday. Thank you for welcoming her for this collaboration with our local ELCA siblings. But first, I can’t wait to see you THIS Sunday!

hugs, Pastor Chelsea

Elim Extra for July 16, 2023

Pastor’s Note
A Place for Faith: Hearth and Home
In our Genesis 25 story for this Sunday, Rebekah is feeling some major pre-labor pains. I can relate! If I am still with you this Sunday and haven’t had my baby yet, we will be talking about how God wants to be a faithful partner in all areas of our lives, including what we do at home with our families.
One of the things that touches me in Genesis, is how often God steps in to help people with practical matters. For example, he sows the first underwear for Adam and Eve and teaches them how to make clothes out of animal skins. And when Rebekah is distressed by her contractions, God performs the world’s first “ultrasound” and tells her she is having twins. I love having a God who cares for our bodies and views all aspects of our daily lives as important.
The prayer energies of this congregation are powerful! I’m so happy to report that Roger is doing better in the hospital; please keep him and Sheri in your prayers. I appreciate the way you care for one another, and hope that you will say a prayer for my baby and birth as well. I’ve felt very joyful and happy being with you at Elim, and look forward to our last Sunday(s) together before I return in September.
Mama/Pastor Chelsea Page

Church Council Meeting – July 23

Pioneer Days July 24, 2023 – Office will be closed.


Volunteers needed for Family Promise

Sat. Aug 5 – Sun. Aug 13

Please contact Gloria Wurst

Grand Opening

Community Resource Center of My Hometown Ogden

August 19, 2023 10 am to 1pm

373 15th Street Ogden, Utah 84404

Free Event – food, entertainment, games, tours, ribbon cutting.