Elim Extra for February 4, 2024

Pastor’s Reflection

All of a sudden there are many, many names our prayer list. Life can be like that sometimes. Yet in recent days I have seen your prayers work. We thank God that Amy, Frank, Brittney, Karen, and Lucille are getting better. Bill, Christy, Jane, Kay, and Rosemary still need our prayers. Please hold Joan and Peggy in prayer this week as they undergo successful hand surgeries and get a head start on a great recovery. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

What a fabulous treat this Sunday that we will get to enjoy worship led by the Scouts of Troop 54. It is truly a joy when young people offer us their spiritual leadership and service. Please plan to stay after worship on Sunday to enjoy a reception with this wonderful group.

Lent is coming! Mark your calendars for a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper on February 13 at 5:30, Ash Wednesday on February 14 at 5:30, and a midweek evening prayer service every Wednesday following, also at 5:30. There are signup sheets in the hallway for to bring soup for our Sunday lunches during Lent. So many wonderful opportunities this time of year to deepen our spiritual fellowship!

with love, Pr. Chelsea