Elim Extra for Sunday February 11, 2024

Pastor’s Reflection

Lent is coming! Mark your calendars for a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper on February 13 at 5:30 (bring a favorite topping to share), Ash Wednesday on February 14 at 5:30, and a midweek evening prayer service every following Wednesday at 5:30. There are signup sheets in the hallway to bring soup for our Sunday lunches during Lent. If you can’t make it to church at 5:30 on February 14 but would like to receive ashes, Ascension Lutheran is offering “ashes to go” in their parking lot during the lunch hour; or please contact me to arrange a visit at home. I love Lent!

This Sunday wraps up our Epiphany season, when we have been basking in the light of Jesus’s various manifestations of holiness: divine vulnerability, divine grief, divine belovedness, divine vigor, divine destiny (as I shared with the Boy Scouts last week), and now this week on Transfiguration Sunday, divine transformation! It is fitting that Epiphany ends with a blinding flash of light on the mountaintop, so that the glory of Christ may light our way through the dark valley of Lent.
This Lent we will continue to explore grief and loss through the Psalms of Lament, and also hear many readings from the prophet Jeremiah, the champion of lament. I invite you to stay after church on the last two Sundays of this month, to help build a timeline of Elim’s past and do some nostalgic remembering and grieving together. Christ will light our way!
with love, Pr. Chelsea

February 11 – Council Meeting
February 13 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner 5:30 pm
February 14 – Ash Wednesday at 5:30 PM & Valentine’s Day
February 18 & 25 – Church Becoming workshops (building a church timeline)
February 18 – Lenten soup luncheons begin – Please sign up to bring food!
February 19 – Presidents Day
February 21 – First Lenten evening worship @ 5:30