Elim Extra for Holy Week and Easter Sunday 2024
Pastor’s Reflection
Thanks to Pr. Rick for leading worship last Sunday! It was inspiring to see our little palm parade on Facebook. At my home church in Salt Lake I preached about the “2 P’s” of “people power” going up against the “2 P’s” of Pontius Pilate. Here in Weber County, we are also seeing an uprising of people power against another “2 P’s” – the Polluting Port planned for the Eastern shore of Great Salt Lake in Weber County. As Elim’s council knows, I wrote a letter to the editor of the Standard Examiner about the importance of keeping God’s wetlands wet, so we will see if that gets published.
It’s Holy Week and I’ve been thinking about what makes this regular work week holy. I think it’s because this week Jesus is alive for us in a special way through our remembrance of his story. Come relive the stories of Holy Thursday and Good Friday this Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Elim’s sanctuary. It’s such an amazing time to feel close to Jesus and all he did for us.
This Easter Sunday at 9 a.m. we will be having breakfast downstairs instead of Bible study. Folks are asked to bring pastries or fruit to share if you can, and Gloria and I are going to provide ham and hard boiled eggs. Breakfast will repeat after worship at 11:30 a.m. It will be a celebration!
Looking ahead, on April 7, we will be having a Church Becoming meeting after worship and doing a “Scrapbook of Memories” tour. For Bible study that morning at 9 a.m, I am going to lead an evaluation of our book Embracing God’s Future without Forgetting the Past. Our final book study meeting date will be April 14th led by Pr. Rick (the Zoom group will finish at a later time). Then, we will take the rest of April OFF from Bible study, before starting Second Corinthians in May.
In Christ’s holy love,