Elim Extra for Sunday March 24, 2024

Elim Extra

Pastor’s Reflection

A huge thanks to all who brought soup and goodies to church this Lent! It has been a delicious and nourishing time to be together.

This Sunday I will be at my home church, the Japanese Church of Christ (UCC) in downtown Salt Lake City. Pastor Rick will lead Bible study (Chapter 10) and our Palm Sunday celebration! Come early to get your palms and process in from the back of the church. Thank you Pastor Rick for leading us this week!

In Lenten worship, we have been praying every week for God to “renew a willing spirit within us” (Psalm 51). All church renewal begins with the renewing of our minds, as Paul speaks about beautifully in Romans 12. We must become willing to try new things and practice new skills. When we aren’t willing, God can help make us willing.

That’s why I’ve focused on tangible craft metaphors all throughout my Lenten preaching. As Lydia, the dealer of purple cloth in the New Testament, could tell us, becoming an expert craftsperson takes time. Whether it’s spinning, tying nets, curing wineskins, embroidering, or weaving, it all starts when we put our hands to work and see what God can do through us.

Joyful to be on the journey with you,

Pr. Chelsea

Holy Week schedule:

Good Friday Service 7:30 p.m.

Easter Worship 10 a.m.

Easter Sunday breakfast 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. – Please bring pastries or fruit to share.