Elim Extra for Sunday February 25, 2024
Pastor’s Reflection
Lent has begun and you are invited to recharge your batteries at sung evening prayer tonight (and every Wednesday night till Holy Week). Join us from 5:30-6:00 for an intimate, contemplative time in our beautiful sanctuary.
It’s very Lutheran to pray more during Lent, but you may have noticed we are doing “less” in our Sunday worship now. As part of Lenten minimalism during this penitential season, our liturgy has gone “lower” (and the A-word is nowhere to be found). I am hoping we might get a few more volunteers to serve as new assisting ministers, so that we can go “high” again after Easter. Please contact me if you would be willing to serve! Training will be provided by our worship team.
with love, Pr. Chelsea
–Worship team meeting Sunday March 3rd.