Elim Extra for Sunday November 5, 2023

Pastor’s Reflection

 All Saints Day is a difficult celebration for me. I grew up Catholic wanting to be a saint but never thinking I was good enough. What a relief it was to join a Reformed tradition that labels us all “saints” just for being believers.

We will be praying for the saints of our church who died in the last year, so please come to worship ready to lift up their names during our prayer time. I also invite you to think about who has died in your own life in this past year. We will remember them with love and honor.

Indeed, November is the season for “outdoing one another in showing honor,” as St. Paul said. Please invite the veterans in your life to our Veterans Day worship service on Sunday November 12th. And on November 18th, we will celebrate Thanksgiving in worship, so please bring canned goods to donate and stay afterwards to decorate the church for Advent.

How honored I am to be just one among the many wonderful sinners and saints at Elim Lutheran Church.

Love, Pastor Chelsea